Monday, January 31, 2011

Scholastic Fantastic!

The results of Scholastic are in...and as if you all didn't already know how amazing you all rocked the awards!

Gold key: 14!
Gold key portfolio: 2!
Honorable Mention: 33!
Honorable Mention portfolio: 1
Silver key: 13!

Now the work to show your pieces begins...

I need your artwork to be ready for me to deliver. That means form attached, wrapped appropriately and boxed for transport by end of class Thursday. We will store everything in the studio office.

Also, I would appreciate a couple volunteers to help me load everything into my car Friday during 2nd period, SINCE YOU GUYS HAD TO GO AND WIN SO MANY AWARDS! :)

Important Dates:

  • Friday, February 4: Delivery of Gold key work to PNCA 3-6pm
  • Sunday, February 6- Friday, February 25th: Exhibition of Gold Key Individual Works
  • Wednesday, February 23 6:30 pm: Portland Metro Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony, Portland Center for the Performing Arts Newmark Theater.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thursday's Final

It is time for everyone’s favorite activity, the all important critique!

This is a perfect opportunity to discuss any issues, concerns or simply get feedback regarding where your work is headed. Working with other artists in a studio environment is a perfect way to assist in the development of your art and ideas, and build relationships that are a crucial component to continued growth as an artist. Obviously everyone’s participation is required.
Instead of a traditional verbal critique we will have an in class critique with table groups in a “silent auction” format where each studio member writes their ideas/feedback regarding their peer’s work out and then we will discuss and clarify ideas/ feedback.
3 works of art are due on finals day!
You need to be ready to meet, participate and bring/eat some delicious deliciousness!
Thursday 1/27 @ 10:10 AM

REMINDER.......Oregon College of Art and Craft will be at the school on January 27th to jury your work for the Biennial High School Exhibition.

(We will set up your work for the judge the last few minutes of class)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goodbye and Thank You

Thank you for making this year's AP 3-D group so awesome.  Each one of you have added to the community that has become our classroom by caring, contributing, and working hard everyday.  It has meant a lot to me to see how each of you has stepped up to the challenge of this class.

Thank you for the unexpected baby shower the last time we had class!  I'll be sure to at least post pics on FB when Baby Boy Burnham comes out and be sure to stop by so you can meet him after watching him grow all semester.

Thank you for being you.... open and inviting...being willing to accept a new mentor into your lives in the middle of the year.  You have enriched my life this year.

BTW: reminders for the week:
  • Scholastic entries need to be completed asap.
  • OCAC entries need to be brought to my office to be juried asap.  The judge will be at the school on January 27th to jury your work for the show.
  • Sam is planning a pit firing at her house on the to her to get the hook-up for the fire!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stuff to keep your plate full:

  • This month you guys have 3 works of art due on finals day. By my estimations that means you will have only 6 pieces left to do before the end of April!!

  • A few of you have recently spoken with me about changing concentration ideas. I think that at this point in the year, it may be a bad idea to do so. You will have to complete a full 12 pieces between now and the end of April, effectively doubling your work load for each month left! If you do decide to go against this advice, you will also need to map out your new concentration by completing the "Concentration Development" sheet again in your sketchbook.

  • The deadline for Scholastic is quickly approaching. I HIGHLY recommend that you have all of the pieces that you plan on entering submitted before I leave at the end of next week. The postmark deadline is Jan 25, so if you enter work that day or the day before, you will make it very hard on Whitney and Mrs. McBride to make sure your work is included in the packet that needs to be sent in.

  • Oregon College of Art and Craft will be coming sometime in January to jury work for the Biennial High School Exhibition. This is a pretty great show to get your work into. The work is all juried from the actual piece at Lakeridge, so get your best pieces here if you would like them to be included.

Have I told you guys that you are the best AP class and group of kids I have ever had? Well, you are. And you are making me really proud!!!