Thursday, September 30, 2010

Getting ready for our guest artist: DIANE LOU!

We are going to have a guest artist visit our class in October and we need to starting thinking about collecting objects that can be used. Here are her blogs. I encourage you to look at and READ about a few of her pieces to get a feel for the concepts behind each work.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Registering, Reminders,

So far, you should have registered for:
  1. Scholastic Art Awards by going to this website: all of you guys should have done this to begin the process of getting your FANTABULOUS art submitted for recognition at this school year's Regional AND National Scholastic Awards.
  2. NFAA: National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts, Young Arts Program: only seniors should apply to this as you will need a portfolio to submit as well as meeting the age/ grade requirements.

We also have these due dates to remember:

  1. NAHS Membership form and Fee is due on September 30th
  2. AP Poster money and ads are due on September 30th
  3. Sarah Davis inspired Artwork due September 30th
  4. Shocking Art due September 30th

And here is a video on using your hands in craft: I am curious about your reactions to this.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to AP 3-D 2010-2011

Can you believe that we have only had one full week of school??! We have already done so much!
The AP 3-D retreat at Menucha was amazing. It was kinda crazy to do it the very first weekend of school, but it all worked out. I felt like you all came together as a cohesive group and that everyone was very productive while we were there. Our guest artist, Sarah Davis, was also a big treat to have there. I felt like it was good for you guys to meet someone who is working on getting her name known in the world of ceramics... sometimes it is hard to imagine the steps to take in becoming a successful visual artist, and to me, she personified an intermediate position between being a student and a self-supporting artist.
The work that I have seen during our critique was good, the attention you paid our guest artist was stellar, and the way you conducted yourself on the retreat left me feeling like a proud momma! I am super excited to spend the year helping all of you in your quest to completing your portfolio!