Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goodbye and Thank You

Thank you for making this year's AP 3-D group so awesome.  Each one of you have added to the community that has become our classroom by caring, contributing, and working hard everyday.  It has meant a lot to me to see how each of you has stepped up to the challenge of this class.

Thank you for the unexpected baby shower the last time we had class!  I'll be sure to at least post pics on FB when Baby Boy Burnham comes out and be sure to stop by so you can meet him after watching him grow all semester.

Thank you for being you.... open and inviting...being willing to accept a new mentor into your lives in the middle of the year.  You have enriched my life this year.

BTW: reminders for the week:
  • Scholastic entries need to be completed asap.
  • OCAC entries need to be brought to my office to be juried asap.  The judge will be at the school on January 27th to jury your work for the show.
  • Sam is planning a pit firing at her house on the to her to get the hook-up for the fire!


  1. Thank you, Amy. You are an awesome teacher and I am so glad that I have had the chance to be your student all four years of high school. All the best with the baby! Can't wait to see pictures!

  2. thanks amy i hope the baby pops outs fast and not really painful. post some pictures of him -___- <3

  3. I'm so sad to see you go! you have really inspired me throughout the four years I've had you as a teacher. Have fun with Baby Boy Burnham! Mariah and i will stop by sometime later this year!

  4. This year has been amazing Amy, thank you so much for everything you do for us.

  5. im going to miss you amy! hope all goes well. i hope you visit oftenish.

  6. thanks for evverything amy! sorry if i made you teary :]

  7. IM GOING TO MISS YOU SOOOOO SOO SOOOO MUCH!!! you are my favorite teacher and im going to miss you :(


  8. You rock more than the Grand Canyon. Hugs!

  9. you will be missed amy!! Thanks for everything!

  10. thanks for everything amy!! you're the best!

  11. thank you Amy, you're the best teacher ever! we'll miss you!!!!

  12. Amy we will all miss you, look forward to class with you again next year!

  13. Thank yo so much Amy for making the first semester so fun and for working so hard for us even when pregnant! Thanks for helping me settle on a concentration and supporting me through the process. I appreciate your faith in me as an artist and I can't wait to see the baby and show you my pieces when you come in. Babies!!!!

  14. Thanks Amy, the First Semester has been great! I really appreciate all of the guidance and advice that you have given so far!

  15. jhsdflkjsdgfy AMY. I'm going to miss you so much. I've been in denial over the past few weeks that your're leaving... until today. CRAP. what will we do without you? we will be okay. Good luck with the baby! I hope you get to name him Blake. Don't forget about us :)

  16. thanks for everything amy. best wishes for your months of rest and newborn son, cesaer.

  17. thanks amy. you are great hope everything goes well and you have a good time off. come back with the baby :)

  18. AAAAAMMMY you will be deeply missed. I can't thank you enough for your guidance and the skillz you have taught me these past four something years i've known you!I will always remember you as the one who really got me started in art.

    xoxo carl

  19. AMY I JUST FOUND OUT YOU GAVE BIRTH TO BLAKE LAST NIGHT OMG YOU GAVE BIRTH LAST NIGHT!!!! i hope it went well, he's HUGEE!! im going to miss you!!

  20. Thank you so much Amy for the three years I've been with you. Congratulations on the birth of Blake!
