Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Magnus opus, nulli secundus/ optimus cognito, ergo sum!*

Upcoming Events:

  • Portfolios due Wednesday April 27th
(photos should be in process but do not have to be completed)
  • Portfolio Showcase @ Lakeridge Thursday April 28th
  • Oregon Potters Association Showcase Field Trip Friday April 30th

If you won a Scholastic gold key please e-mail me the image of your gold key piece that you would like to go in the yearbook by this Friday April 1st!

We will plan to RAKU fire next week

I am selecting 2 pieces for display at the OPA showcase. If you have a piece you wish to display to represent your school let me know.

*"A masterpiece, second to none, the best; Therefore I am!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break!

Spring break is coming! March 18-27
Make sure you and your pots are on good terms before you are forced to part for a whole week!!!

Also, you need to check in with me RE: where you and your concentration stand. Even if you missed peanut butter cup day, this is required!! Help me help you!

I totally feel like celebrating Spring by having some Raku firings! Anyone care to join?

There will be a extra credit blog you may create over break, either what you are working on during break, or an art related venture that you share!

One more thing......HAVE A RESTFUL & RAD SPRING BREAK!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things to do this week

Register for AP before this Sunday to Avoid a late fee! If you need help with this see me!

Plan out and get going on at least 2 pieces for the end of March Critique (Keep in mind spring break is March 18-27)!

Review with me where you are RE: portfolio completion!

Blog! Blog! Blog! :)