Friday, February 18, 2011

Scholastic! AP Registration! & Grades! Oh my!

Make sure to enjoy your Monday off and relax,
perhaps attend an event to get inspired
because its go time come Tuesday!

Some local events this weekend:
  • 2/21-28: Portland Jazz Festival
  • Sculptor Peter Shelton @ Portland Art Museum 2/19-6/12
  • Museum of Contemporary Craft has its collection highlighted incl. Pat Horsley's rad teapot (below)
  • The Art Institute of Portland open house 2/21
  • Oregon College of Arts & Crafts has work from their Ceramic Department on display
  • Sculptor Elspeth Pratt is @ the Cooley Gallery @ Reed College
  • Pacific Northwest College of Art has these Scholastic awards featuring some cool Lakeridge High artists
  • Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony Wednesday, February 23rd @ 6:30
  • AP Registration begins Monday, February 28th
  • Two pieces of work are due Monday, February 28th in class for continued critique/your grade!


  1. Sounds like there is a lot going on. Thanks for the update!

  2. I love the Museum of Modern Art and Craft!!

  3. cool! but hey how do i register for AP again?

  4. ugh...schools out, and my projects are there...and unfinished

  5. yeah it's gonna be a time crunch for projects

  6. I'm a little late for the blog but I still made the deadline! xD

    As for AP deadlines and stuff, can we go over them again in class? i'm still not exactly sure how they're going to work out with me being a first timer in AP programs.

  7. woohoo I'm late/// idk what to comment.
