Monday, February 14, 2011

Woodfire is a go!!!

We have a ton of work to do by this weekend if we are going to get in on the Wood fire.
Those who wish to participate need to let me know ASAP!
If we are able to figure everything out in class Tuesday,
we will be loading the kiln this Saturday!!!

We now have set after school times!!! Yay!
Monday 3-5
Tuesday 3-5
Thursday 3-5

Make sure to show our appreciation to the awesome parents that make this possible by cleaning up our mess, helping them with any questions they may have, and let's get some work done!

Upcoming Stuff:
  • Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony Wednesday February 23rd @ 6:30 pm
  • February 28th AP Portfolio Registration begins


  1. Wow Portfolio registration right around the corner. Do you know when the deadline is for our Portfolios?

  2. the wood fire is now a no-go, right? im sad.... but actually im kind of okay with it because now io will get to makle mo9re things for the next i might have to wood fire like half of the things i made this year, i hope that's okay haha. im also excited for the soda-firing! if we get in on that...

  3. Aww boo no woodfire. But well do some fun stuff later!

  4. damn... i wish we had the woodfire. but thats ok. i can just make more stuff for the next one.

  5. Can't wait for scholastic next week! and thanks for the help with the mold today :)

  6. Too bad about the woodfire, but I am excited for the one in spring!

  7. yeah I am bummed out about the woodfire but its okay because we can do another one!!!

  8. This will give me a chance to make some stuff to put in the wood fire that's happening later now...

  9. aww, i'm bummed we dont have a woodfire this time... but east creek will be great!
