Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things to do this week

Register for AP before this Sunday to Avoid a late fee! If you need help with this see me!

Plan out and get going on at least 2 pieces for the end of March Critique (Keep in mind spring break is March 18-27)!

Review with me where you are RE: portfolio completion!

Blog! Blog! Blog! :)


  1. ooo end of the year is coming fast. and yes.... im blogging!

  2. hey im blogging right now what a coinkidink. cant WAIT for the wood firing!

  3. i already did the ap test and i only have two more project to be done yayayaya

  4. ok im going to have to figure out what to do about working on art over the break... but a baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do -Tommy Pickles.

  5. Im mad that osu wont take my credits grrrrrr

  6. I blogged! yay. but it wouldn't let me upload a picture...... is it essential that i post one?

  7. ap testing, woooo. i need to start glazing stuff soon...

  8. I blogged! I really need to kick it into gear

  9. just realized i was done with my concentration 2 months ago! Still need to finish a few breath pieces that I am not pleased with however!

  10. I will have my little progress thing for you next class to go over...thanks for the reminders.
