Thursday, September 30, 2010

Getting ready for our guest artist: DIANE LOU!

We are going to have a guest artist visit our class in October and we need to starting thinking about collecting objects that can be used. Here are her blogs. I encourage you to look at and READ about a few of her pieces to get a feel for the concepts behind each work.


  1. I really like the piece she made called "A Book about death" on the third link. I think the contrast between the background and the white hands is really cool looking

  2. I looked through some of her posts and I found it cool how she talks about creating something out of the old, the broken, and what were once possessions. The pieces that I looked at kind of left me wondering what the story was behind each one. I've never really done anything like this before so I think it'll be interesting. I found this really old looking wooden box the other day that has an old clock embedded in the lid with a secret compartment underneath that could be something I could use....

  3. I like how she doesnt try to send a specific message across, she just lets the pieces speak for themselves. I think by using peices that have wear on them, it gives them a personality. I can't wait for her to come to lakeridge!

  4. I am really excited for her to come to Lakeridge! I think it is cool how each of her pieces automatically connect with the human spirit because in some way or another, they include the human form. I also think it is interesting how she gets away with so many different types of materials and I wonder if she ever struggles with the concept of her work being too busy...

  5. Yay! I'm excited to actually get to meet her because it was unfortunate that she was unable to come to our retreat last year.

  6. ya this sounds really fun. do you know what day this is going to be?? and i feel like we need some work time in class. <3 amy

  7. Im excited to get to work with this guest artist. I love learning about different styles of art which i am unfamiliar with. Should be a blast.

  8. yeah! this artist seems right up my ally. i always tried to put a significant deeper meaning to alot of my work. I like how she said that she like to get the viewer begging for a description. I also love assemblages like the one we made last year at the retreat

  9. Sweet deal! I am excited to get to work on a project with a guest artist!

  10. o cool, i hope i get as much out of this artist as i did Sarah.

  11. my computer is being sooooooo dumb right now and wont let me look at the pictures on her blogs. BUT i remember her from the wood firing at East Creek. I really loved her style. Can't wait!!

  12. I'm really excited to have her come! I think it's cool that she uses such different materials to get her message across and it will be cool to get her advice on the best way to approach mixed media projects.

  13. I'm really looking forward to this project and I think it will definitely be a great opportunity for each of us to create our own unique pieces in this style!

  14. I like how different and unique all of her pieces are. They each look like they have a personal story of some sort behind them, and that gives them character.

  15. Im really excited to have a guest artist come! I love being able to hear and learn from other artists this should be a really cool project to do.

  16. I'm really looking forward to this guest artist. I really like that even though all of the different objects in her pieces don't really relate to eachother they seem just in the right place amoung eachother. (Does that make sense?)

  17. It'll be great to have Diane in person and in class this year! I know that last year we tried to have her on the retreat and we still created art based off her, but now that she's coming i might actually have a different level of success with my assemblage

  18. She definately has a very unique style and im excited to see what she has to offer.
