Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Registering, Reminders,

So far, you should have registered for:
  1. Scholastic Art Awards by going to this website: http://www.artandwriting.org/registration all of you guys should have done this to begin the process of getting your FANTABULOUS art submitted for recognition at this school year's Regional AND National Scholastic Awards.
  2. NFAA: National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts, Young Arts Program: http://www.youngarts.org/ only seniors should apply to this as you will need a portfolio to submit as well as meeting the age/ grade requirements.

We also have these due dates to remember:

  1. NAHS Membership form and Fee is due on September 30th
  2. AP Poster money and ads are due on September 30th
  3. Sarah Davis inspired Artwork due September 30th
  4. Shocking Art due September 30th

And here is a video on using your hands in craft: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfoByYLSBY8&feature=player_embedded I am curious about your reactions to this.


  1. I thought this was interesting, I have personal always found that when i was younger and even now I've been more fascinated with things that involve using my hands, whether it be anything to do with learning or just for fun.

  2. That's so true. The things that she was saying about how we just always have things ready made for us. food, clothing, toys, etc and soon children aren't even gonna stop and wonder where it came from. But that sense of wholeness definitely comes from making something from scratch. Its a feeling commonly shared by artists, cooks, farmers, etc. People may wonder why they do such demanding dirty work for so little pay but it's definitely because of the feeling that that process gives you when you are finally done.

  3. I like how she mentioned that when work is done completely by hand, you have a sense of attachment and connection to it. And how everything now days is already prepared or made for us, and that it is important to still have something that you have a connection with.

  4. I love how the work is done by hand. You have a different type of appreciation when you make something from scratch. there is also a sense of accomplishment. Ever since I was a kid I have loved making scarves and jewlery.

  5. It was interesting to see how much our hands play a role in our life, and when we start deferring those roles to autonomous processes we lose the true value of it. I also like how she said that "The use of the hands is vital for the human being... I feel whole, I am experiencing my inner core." This just shows how much something as simple as working with fibers can create more than a simple piece of art, but connect with one's inner self.

  6. I really enjoyed this video. I appreciate how three dimensional art seems to have so much handwork in it that it truly cannot be reproduced in the way that two dimensional art can. The whole spectrum of emotions is avaliable through your hands.

  7. it looks like i have alot of work ahead of me. we loaded michael's kiln yesterday and something exploded taking out everything. so we all have to power through our sarah Davis pieces tomorrow in class so we can work on our shocking piece this weekend and next week

  8. I thought it was really interesting in the begining how so many things are made in spirals. It was really cool to see that connection. I also thought it was cool how she talked about hand being everything. If you think about it, humans have come so far because we are able to build with our hands. Other animals can build things, but not to the extent that we can. I thought that was really cool. The key to our success was in our hands. Also, I like the idea of working with our hand bringing us closer to nature/ourselves/our emotions/others. It is very true. When I work with clay or make art, I have to pull from everything around me and be in tune with myself and the art. It's really satisfactory to have something that you know you have made. It has a piece of you in it. When people make things they are more connected to them and appreciate them more.

  9. for all those due dates i dont think we have class on the 30th? i could be wrong but i think we dont. the video was very interesting and inspiring but i cant really see myself actually creating stuff like that but it was very interesting to hear some of the stuff that Hiller had to offer.

  10. Alot of the stuff that Hiller said in the video is so true, except for I feel like I have overlooked it in the past. I knitt all the time, but I have always just seen it at something to do/relaxing. It's interesting to think about all of the connections to nature and ourselves that working with our hands can create, like Max pointed out. And how Hiller said there is a true joy and appreciation for something you made with your own hands out of essentially nothing.

  11. Very interesting perspective. I have never knitted before, but it looks fun and would be something that id wanna try. And i agree with Hillers perspective that the joy of making something yourself is a feeling in iteself

  12. ahhhhh there is so much stuff do at the end of this month! no me gusta. i need to start getting on my art stuff. <3 amy

  13. I already feel behind on stuff! xD

  14. I like that Hiller talked about how hand made things are so interesting and can give people so many different perspectives and views. I have knitted a little bit and really liked it when I was younger; so this video was pretty interesting to watch.

    I'm having a ton of trouble with blogging, but I'm figuring it out!!

  15. check check check check and check! Alright whats up next!? :)
