Monday, May 23, 2011

Finishing up

Where you should be:

  • Your portfolio images should be saved in the P drive under your name, labeled "Final Portfolio", have 3 sub folders "Concentration" "Breadth" and "Quality"
  • You should be working on your last two pieces: #1 Pat Horsley inspired piece #2 An alternative firing piece

This is what we have left for the year, it is indeed rare to have your only job to be to show up and create art so take full advantage and enjoy this time and make some great stuff before you depart for adulthood. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have decided to remove the blog requirement!

HOWEVER, before you get too excited I want to clarify that the remainder of your grade will be dependent on your last 2 assignments (listed below) and the studio clean up. This is especially important for those of you who did not exactly mesh with the regular blog requirement.

You ALL need to be in class working every day!
Crazy, I know, but very, very true.

Last 2 assignments:

#1 Patrick Horsley inspired piece.
This can be anything inspired from Pat's work, anything GOOD! And I mean darn GOOD! You are the best of the best at Lakeridge and I expect you to show off your stuff. Turn in sub-par, expect a sub-par grade. This should really not be tough. Pat works on the wheel, hand builds, alters, is a glaze wizard.....

#2 Alternative Firing piece.
This can also be anything GOOD, darn GOOD! It needs to be either RAKU, Reduction, Saggar, Horsehair, etc;

Also, you should be thinking about the LO Arts Festival & completing NAHS hours.

Keep in mind we have 7 DAYS left in the studio to work with wet clay after tomorrow! If you have a procrastination habit consider yourself forewarned.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Guest Artist!

Pat Horsley
Wednesday May 11th!
  • Demo will be during the entire class so be prepared to pay attention/take notes/ask questions, be on time!

  • We will have an assignment to create a piece inspired by his work. You will need to explain why/how your piece reflects some aspect of his work. Your Horsley piece is due at final critique Thursday June 2nd finished!
  • Everyone will need to sign up for and bring a food item to share after the demo. Pizza will be provided.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Showcase Time!

Your week in AP 3D April 25th-29th:

  • Monday & Tuesday: Finishing touches on work, how to display work, printing labels, preparing your artist statement, purchasing a dessert for your very own ART SHOWCASE!
  • Wednesday: Concentrations DUE! All work should be in the studio, ready to display.
  • Thursday: AP Showcase 4-6:30 pm!
  • Friday: RAD! field trip to the OPA Showcase full of fun, relaxation & the knowledge that your concentration is DONE!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The end is near!

Here we go...
  • Any pieces you would like considered for display @ the OPA showcase must be submitted to me & paperwork completed by Friday April 22!
  • Wednesday April 27th COMPLETED Portfolios due!
  • Thursday April 28th AP 3-D Showcase!
You must:
  • Prepare your artwork & Display your artwork professionally (tablecloth, name placard, artist statement) 2-4pm
  • Attend the event 4pm-6:30
  • Label your artwork
  • Bring a dessert
  • Clean up the area 6:30-finished
  • Friday April 29th OPA Showcase Field Trip!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Goin' for a ride on the big yellow

We have 3 really cool events coming up to look forward to as your finish up your pieces for your portfolio. Remember COMPLETED portfolios are due the 27th!

  • Thursday April 28th 4- 6:30 pm Lakeridge AP Art Showcase!
  • Friday April 29th....ROAD TRIP!! To the Oregon Potter's Association Showcase!
  • Wednesday May 11th Pat Horsley, local studio potter and all around cool guy is coming to Lakeridge to demonstrate his work.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Magnus opus, nulli secundus/ optimus cognito, ergo sum!*

Upcoming Events:

  • Portfolios due Wednesday April 27th
(photos should be in process but do not have to be completed)
  • Portfolio Showcase @ Lakeridge Thursday April 28th
  • Oregon Potters Association Showcase Field Trip Friday April 30th

If you won a Scholastic gold key please e-mail me the image of your gold key piece that you would like to go in the yearbook by this Friday April 1st!

We will plan to RAKU fire next week

I am selecting 2 pieces for display at the OPA showcase. If you have a piece you wish to display to represent your school let me know.

*"A masterpiece, second to none, the best; Therefore I am!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break!

Spring break is coming! March 18-27
Make sure you and your pots are on good terms before you are forced to part for a whole week!!!

Also, you need to check in with me RE: where you and your concentration stand. Even if you missed peanut butter cup day, this is required!! Help me help you!

I totally feel like celebrating Spring by having some Raku firings! Anyone care to join?

There will be a extra credit blog you may create over break, either what you are working on during break, or an art related venture that you share!

One more thing......HAVE A RESTFUL & RAD SPRING BREAK!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things to do this week

Register for AP before this Sunday to Avoid a late fee! If you need help with this see me!

Plan out and get going on at least 2 pieces for the end of March Critique (Keep in mind spring break is March 18-27)!

Review with me where you are RE: portfolio completion!

Blog! Blog! Blog! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Time to work!

  • OCAC Opening reception Thursday March 3rd 4-7 pm, awards @ 5:30!!!!
  • Tuesday 11am in class we have continued critique w/ 2 pieces due!
  • AP Registration 2/28 today for AP Exams!
  • Plan ahead to make sure you are getting your work done as we only have a few weeks before Spring break!
  • After school hours are Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays!

You may be busy, but at least you have better hair than this guy!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Scholastic! AP Registration! & Grades! Oh my!

Make sure to enjoy your Monday off and relax,
perhaps attend an event to get inspired
because its go time come Tuesday!

Some local events this weekend:
  • 2/21-28: Portland Jazz Festival
  • Sculptor Peter Shelton @ Portland Art Museum 2/19-6/12
  • Museum of Contemporary Craft has its collection highlighted incl. Pat Horsley's rad teapot (below)
  • The Art Institute of Portland open house 2/21
  • Oregon College of Arts & Crafts has work from their Ceramic Department on display
  • Sculptor Elspeth Pratt is @ the Cooley Gallery @ Reed College
  • Pacific Northwest College of Art has these Scholastic awards featuring some cool Lakeridge High artists
  • Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony Wednesday, February 23rd @ 6:30
  • AP Registration begins Monday, February 28th
  • Two pieces of work are due Monday, February 28th in class for continued critique/your grade!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Woodfire is a go!!!

We have a ton of work to do by this weekend if we are going to get in on the Wood fire.
Those who wish to participate need to let me know ASAP!
If we are able to figure everything out in class Tuesday,
we will be loading the kiln this Saturday!!!

We now have set after school times!!! Yay!
Monday 3-5
Tuesday 3-5
Thursday 3-5

Make sure to show our appreciation to the awesome parents that make this possible by cleaning up our mess, helping them with any questions they may have, and let's get some work done!

Upcoming Stuff:
  • Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony Wednesday February 23rd @ 6:30 pm
  • February 28th AP Portfolio Registration begins

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Quality time

This week is quality time with Whitney week!
Awww shucks!

If you haven't already met with me this week we need to meet, discuss where you are in your work, any obstacles you are facing, assistance I may give, ect;

Upcoming events:

  • Paula Emery will be in class (Tomorrow) Wednesday February 9th @ 11:15 to discuss the benefits of AP!
  • Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony Wednesday February 23rd @ 6:30 p.m.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Scholastic Fantastic!

The results of Scholastic are in...and as if you all didn't already know how amazing you all rocked the awards!

Gold key: 14!
Gold key portfolio: 2!
Honorable Mention: 33!
Honorable Mention portfolio: 1
Silver key: 13!

Now the work to show your pieces begins...

I need your artwork to be ready for me to deliver. That means form attached, wrapped appropriately and boxed for transport by end of class Thursday. We will store everything in the studio office.

Also, I would appreciate a couple volunteers to help me load everything into my car Friday during 2nd period, SINCE YOU GUYS HAD TO GO AND WIN SO MANY AWARDS! :)

Important Dates:

  • Friday, February 4: Delivery of Gold key work to PNCA 3-6pm
  • Sunday, February 6- Friday, February 25th: Exhibition of Gold Key Individual Works
  • Wednesday, February 23 6:30 pm: Portland Metro Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony, Portland Center for the Performing Arts Newmark Theater.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thursday's Final

It is time for everyone’s favorite activity, the all important critique!

This is a perfect opportunity to discuss any issues, concerns or simply get feedback regarding where your work is headed. Working with other artists in a studio environment is a perfect way to assist in the development of your art and ideas, and build relationships that are a crucial component to continued growth as an artist. Obviously everyone’s participation is required.
Instead of a traditional verbal critique we will have an in class critique with table groups in a “silent auction” format where each studio member writes their ideas/feedback regarding their peer’s work out and then we will discuss and clarify ideas/ feedback.
3 works of art are due on finals day!
You need to be ready to meet, participate and bring/eat some delicious deliciousness!
Thursday 1/27 @ 10:10 AM

REMINDER.......Oregon College of Art and Craft will be at the school on January 27th to jury your work for the Biennial High School Exhibition.

(We will set up your work for the judge the last few minutes of class)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goodbye and Thank You

Thank you for making this year's AP 3-D group so awesome.  Each one of you have added to the community that has become our classroom by caring, contributing, and working hard everyday.  It has meant a lot to me to see how each of you has stepped up to the challenge of this class.

Thank you for the unexpected baby shower the last time we had class!  I'll be sure to at least post pics on FB when Baby Boy Burnham comes out and be sure to stop by so you can meet him after watching him grow all semester.

Thank you for being you.... open and inviting...being willing to accept a new mentor into your lives in the middle of the year.  You have enriched my life this year.

BTW: reminders for the week:
  • Scholastic entries need to be completed asap.
  • OCAC entries need to be brought to my office to be juried asap.  The judge will be at the school on January 27th to jury your work for the show.
  • Sam is planning a pit firing at her house on the to her to get the hook-up for the fire!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stuff to keep your plate full:

  • This month you guys have 3 works of art due on finals day. By my estimations that means you will have only 6 pieces left to do before the end of April!!

  • A few of you have recently spoken with me about changing concentration ideas. I think that at this point in the year, it may be a bad idea to do so. You will have to complete a full 12 pieces between now and the end of April, effectively doubling your work load for each month left! If you do decide to go against this advice, you will also need to map out your new concentration by completing the "Concentration Development" sheet again in your sketchbook.

  • The deadline for Scholastic is quickly approaching. I HIGHLY recommend that you have all of the pieces that you plan on entering submitted before I leave at the end of next week. The postmark deadline is Jan 25, so if you enter work that day or the day before, you will make it very hard on Whitney and Mrs. McBride to make sure your work is included in the packet that needs to be sent in.

  • Oregon College of Art and Craft will be coming sometime in January to jury work for the Biennial High School Exhibition. This is a pretty great show to get your work into. The work is all juried from the actual piece at Lakeridge, so get your best pieces here if you would like them to be included.

Have I told you guys that you are the best AP class and group of kids I have ever had? Well, you are. And you are making me really proud!!!